Virtual “Day @Nestlé MENA” Provides Interactive Career Guidance To 1,000 Youths In Middle East & North Africa

Over one thousand university students have registered to join the second annual “Day @Nestlé MENA”, held as a virtual careers event allowing YOUth to discover working-life in multinational companies, and enhance the skills they need to help secure post graduate employment. “Skills of the Future” was the theme, sharing with YOUthNestlé’s strong focus on sustainability and e-business. Participants were also offered tips on personal branding and enhancing their job hunting skills.

Held in November, the virtual sessions provided fresh graduates from 19 countries in the Middle East and North Africa with the opportunity to engage with Nestlé through an interactive online platform, and gave them access to pre-recorded and live training sessions organized by youth and leadership teams from the company. Country-specific virtual events will also be held in 9 participating cities until December 16th.

“Our key objective this year is to help young people prepare for the jobs of tomorrow, where digitalization and environmental sustainability will become even more important,” said David Moloto, Nestlé Human Resources Director in the Middle East and North Africa.“Our ambition is to create at least 1,000 new jobs in the region for people under 30 yearsoldby 2025, and our Day @Nestléactivities are one way by which we work to achieve that.”

The company is committed to supporting the career development of youth, offering various opportunities for learning and hiring for people under 30in the region. Nestlé MENA is committed to offer1,750 internships, traineeships, and apprenticeship by 2025.

Nestlé has hired nearly 3,200 young people under the age of 30 in the Middle East and North Africa since 2017, with more than 800 of themhiredsinceJanuary 2020 alone.  It also provided more than 1,450 internships and traineeships since 2017, including more than 230 since January 2020.

Youth unemployment in the Middle East and North Africa stands at 25% according to the World Bank[i], double the world average of 13.5%.

Nestlé’s efforts are part of its Nestlé needs YOUth initiative, with specific actions in the Middle East and North Africa that help meet the company’s regional commitment to Foster Career Opportunities for Youth by enhancing skills, and promoting employability and career progression.

Nestlé’sglobal ambition is to help 10 million young people have access to economic opportunities by 2030.

Young people interested in exploring opportunities offered by Nestlé can find more information onNestlé’s MENA career page:
