The PlayPreneurs Club launches in Dubai as a global accelerator and network enabler, bringing play to entrepreneurship

The PlayPreneurs Club (TPPC) has launched in Dubai as a specialist accelerator for entrepreneurs, business owners and executives. The brand, which is already registered in the GCC, Lebanon, USA and London, will offer entrepreneurs and business professionals a powerful mix of connections, events, workshops, networking platforms and the resources that high achievers need to accelerate career success.

TPPC is the brainchild of entrepreneurs Zeina Akkawi, Paz Marketing Founder, and Dr. Sara Al-Madani, a serial entrepreneur and a government board member. The brand will operate a membership, combining the role of social club with business and career accelerator.

“Our members will combine Emirati’s, Russians, Chinese, Asians, Arab and Western Expats opening doors for opportunities between entrepreneurs around the world. This platform will offer amazing activations with multinational brands and companies; and connections that will enable individuals reach the right target. Our team consists of successful entrepreneurs, angel investors, venture capitalists and technology expert that will assist individuals to the right direction”, said TPPC co-founder Ms. Zeina Akkawi

Apart from access to exclusive networking events and knowledge-packed workshops, TPPC will offer members other perks – such as access to exclusive F&B and hotel offers, launches and private events.

TPPC’s activities focus on territories that are hubs of innovation and new startups – such as the UAE, the USA, Lebanon and others. The US, for instance, ranks 1st out of 138 countries in the Global Entrepreneurship and Development Index. The UAE, meanwhile, is ranked first in the MENA region, and 7th globally for competitiveness according to a recent IMD World Competitiveness Center report. Outside the GCC, Beirut is emerging as Lebanon’s startup and innovation hub. In the UK, London continues leading the pack as entrepreneurial hub and financial services powerhouse.

“The PlayPreneurs Club has been established to serve a very real need for connectivity, networking and career-accelerating knowledge among entrepreneurs and business executives. We are situating ourselves in exciting hubs for business and innovation around the world to play a positive role in enabling economic growth, business success and new startups. Our strength comes from a global presence, which allows us to create international opportunities for knowledge transfer and networking,” said TPPC co-founder Dr. Sara Al-Madani

Studies have consistently shown that the difference between entrepreneurial success and failure often boils down to access and connectivity – particularly in the early stages of a startup. Career executives too need access to leaders, mentors and industry peers. The PlayPreneurs Club not only has a social element that brings together like-minded people, but also hosts a very active agenda of career acceleration and startup support. The aim is to deliver quite precisely the knowledge, connections and access that can accelerate individual and business success.

Apart from local leadership, TPPC will benefit from a global steering committee and country representations; that will co-ordinate events across global territories to ensure maximum impact and benefit.