Middle East Student Receives Global Educational Trust Award From The CISI

The Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI), the leading professional body for securities, investments, wealth and financial planning professionals, recently announced the winners of this year’s CISI Global Education Trust (GET) Awards. Amongst these is Egyptian student, Aya Elbuhaisi, the first awardee from the Middle East.

Together with other winners from Philippines, Singapore and South Africa, Aya, an Accounting student at Ains Shams University Egypt, has been awarded an all-expenses paid trip and a work placement with top finance firms in the City of London. She had her week-long apprenticeship at the State Street Global Advisors.

Aya’s interest in the banking sector underlined her pursuit of a degree in equities, bonds and derivatives in the international landscape. With this work placement programme, Aya and her co-winners experienced international exposure that supports diversification and employability in the financial services profession.

“The CISI is committed to tapping the rich potential of the brilliant students who have worked so hard to go through our Awards process – a testament to their passion to be a part of the financial services profession. We are happy to provide the best opportunities for these future leaders and let them experience the business environment through our work placement programme. Having Aya as one of the awardees not only provides an impressive outlook for the financial sector in the region, but also inspires us to continue demonstrating the significance of a high standard of professionalism and integrity for the generations to come,” said Matthew Cowan, Regional Director at the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment Middle East.

“GET Award’s aim is also to provide an overview of the international financial services profession through useful insights which the students can share in their home countries and apply in their own career development,” Matthew added.

The GET Awards process tests the students’ financial services knowledge, with the CISI Trust using these funds to solely support educational initiatives in the public interest.

To enter the Awards, the CISI global partner universities were invited to nominate students. The process for nomination differed across the regions but included either/or a combination of submission of a personal statement, an 800-word essay, interviews and presentations.

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