Marking International Day Of Education, St. George’s University, Grenada, Shares The Benefits For MENA Students Attending An International Medical School

The International Day of Education is celebrated on January 24, 2022. The date was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly to celebrate the role of education in peace and development.

The first International Day of Education was celebrated in 2019, after the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution co-authored by over 50 member states that demonstrated the “unwavering political will to support transformative actions for inclusive, equitable and quality education for all”.

The primary focus of this edition is on providing high quality education to all groups of people and highlighting the role that education plays in global peace and development.

On this occasion, St. George’s University, who have nearly as many international students as all US medical schools combined*, offers insights into the perks of studying in an international medical school.

1. Students will learn about different health care systems

There are significant differences between health care systems in India and across the region, so it’s easy to see that models can be quite disparate across the globe too. Learning about these differences can be beneficial to students.

2. Students could have more flexibility with application submissions

Any prospective student who has applied to a program through UCAS or registered for the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test(NEET) knows the timelines are strict. Though individual schools can vary a bit, students have to make sure each of their applications are on track to hit major deadlines.

There’s often more flexibility with international medical schools, though. Many have rolling admissions and different commencement dates. Indian medical schools, for example, typically start classes in September. St. George’s University actually offers three start dates per year: January, April, and August. This allows potential students the flexibility to start their medical school program when it makes the most sense for them, and each term offers different benefits.

3. Students will see a wider variety of illnesses

Attending a medical school abroad can help students become more familiar with health concerns that may be significantly different from the ones they’re used to seeing. Browsing different country profiles on the World Health Organization’s website reveals some stark differences.

Becoming familiar with treating a wide variety of diseases can help prepare students for future endeavors as well especially if a student is looking to extend their international education and furthermore practice medicine internationally too.

4. Students get to experience different cultures

Attending an international medical school provides students with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to become acquainted with different cultures. Some of this is due to experiences outside the classroom, but students also stand to learn a lot about their fellow classmates and the people in their surrounding community.

  1. Students will get exposure to award-winning faculty on a global scale

Exposure to diverse professors within an international university helps shape the cognitive and interpersonal skills of students and breaks down the barriers that exist in an isolated society. An international faculty helps to enhance and enrich the teaching, learning, research, and educational environment.

This International Day of Education 2022, SGU takes pride in offering an international education that enables students to recognize, and more importantly embrace diversity.

*Data as of October 2020. International student enrollment in US medical schools = 1,294; SGU international student enrollment = 1,267. These numbers do not include US citizens or permanent residents.