Sharad Agarwal Featured As Top 2022 Voice In Web3 Space
Voice Of Crypto has published a hand-picked list of the Top 2022 personalities in Crypto, Web3 and Blockchain space.
The Voice Of Crypto team has acknowledged the top personalities in this space, finding names from the deepest waters of the Web3 world.
“We have come up with the most influential, artistic, analytical, and innovative brains to be featured in this comprehensive list of people who shaped the industry in the eventful year that was 2022.”
Complete list of industry icons is at
According to Sharad Agarwal, Chief Metaverse Officer of Cyber Gear, “I am delighted to be part of this industry which is growing at the speed of thought! As the world enters Web3, the emerging metaverse is going to challenge the way businesses currently operate and it is time for brands to reimagine their marketing strategies. At Cyber Gear, we are helping global brands to transition from Web2 to Web3.”
More information is available at