Day: August 1, 2024

81% Of MENA Professionals Highly Engaged In The Workplace

54% of employees would recommend their company as a top place to work, and 68% take pride in promoting their company’s products and services. The latest Employee Loyalty in the MENA survey by, the Middle East’s leading jobsite, and YouGov investigates the driving factors that contribute employees’ loyalty to their organizations, identifying actions that

GCC Investors Expected To Spend More Than $4bn In UK Commercial Property Market Annually: Bank Of London And The Middle East Report

Investment into UK commercial property by Gulf investors is expected to grow to more than$4bn (£3.1bn)annually, according to new research from Bank of London and The Middle East (BLME),a Sharia’a compliant bank based in London. The research finds that the UK market is heading for a once-in-a-decade economic alignment, with cuts to interest rates expected

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